In a culture that is so geared toward the individual and keeping people in their own worlds, we are very much keen to the situations that people find themselves in when they have a personal problem. Take Michael Phelps for example. Here's a man that has achieved so much and has done so well to become a very influential athlete and sports star. However, this guy gets a picture taken and his private life and convictions are questioned by all of the national media. We see "big-name" pastors and Christian leaders falling into pits of despair and ridicule because of some sediment of sin that is in their private lives. This aspect of our lives may remain the most important part of our lives.
I find it very interesting that God tells us to keep things like prayer, fasting, and praise of the Father in a secret and not allow it to be broadcast to the world as if to glorify ourselves. However, I find it very ironic that there are people that broadcast to the world their "super-christian" discipline or their revelations in ways that seem to only glorify themselves, and then by examining their personal lives, we find something quite on the contrary of those "words."
Makes me wonder about this blog. Am I using it to glorify God or am I using it to glorify myself by spouting off different views and opinions that seem to have the "Christian-ese" that other people have used. But am I truly treating this as a platform to share God's truth?
I feel that this is my way to communicate to anyone that wants to listen the need for change and the need to look more to God for guidance and direction than anything else. Sure, sometimes I may feel like this is a place to spout views. However, I think that I strive to make it more about glorifying His name by equipping His people for His cause.
So what does this mean for my private life? The biggest thing is that if I am going to preach it and God is going to reveal it, then I must be willing to live it as He reveals truth to me. It is difficult to fathom living a life that is not lived in accordance to the things that God is revealing to me. By arranging my private life in a way that is glorifying and pleasing to God, I allow Him to change me and to bring me to a place of holiness. Or whatever holiness is capable on this earth.
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