April 29, 2011

Great Post from a Great Writer

Saw a fantastic post this week on Josh Griffin's blog talking about the times that you want to quit. I have been in a couple of the situations that Josh listed, but the one that rang true for me was:
After the best event of your youth ministry career
When you are disconnected from the church, you are in danger. Have you ever come back from a mission trip on a high that no one else was on? Have you ever walked inside the church riding a high after the biggest overnighter in the history of your church only to be greeted be an angry parent or vindictive trustee? Maybe you’ve just given a project your all, and you saw God do something amazing, and you’re immediately called to lead something else and you were just hoping for a break. A key moment of vulnerability is when you are on top of the world.
You can check the rest of the post out by heading over to Josh's blog. MorethanDodgeball is a fantastic site for resources and connecting with other youth workers. 

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