April 26, 2011

The Unity of the Church

This week, I get my first crack at our current series, The Spiritual Realm. As I'm plowing through this, I'm completely blown away at the way that Paul continually preaches unity amongst the churches. It seems that this is something he constantly is revisiting when he writes to the churches and remains alive through all of his teachings. It's worth considering in both our community of faith and the larger body of the Church.

The reality is that we all have issues with people. We all have histories and experiences that press on our hearts and our minds and affect how we see the world and the people in it. But throughout all of these tough issues, we have to remember that, as Christians, our battle, the reason that we continue to live and press against, is not against people or flesh and blood. Until we can see past the people and see them as a teammate or a potential teammate, we will continue to fight the wrong fight and, in doing so, continue to divide the Church of Jesus Christ.

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