February 18, 2010

A renewed sense to why I write and why this blog exists...

The other night, I was sitting around my house with some of my current closest friends and a huge reminder came upon me via the things we were talking about.

"Why do I write my blog?"

I'm not sure that I have completely ever thought it through. I recently, dove back into the archives to see if I really even set a vision for this blog and found this:

"I hope that this blog will become a bit of an encouragement to you as it will be to me. I want to be able to give you updates on what God is doing in my life as well as those that I am given the opportunity to engage."
My best guess is that this was pretty wide enough and broad enough that the point of the blog has been acheived and I haven't strayed too far away from the central desire of mine when I started this thing. But, in this day of trying to be as laser-focused as possible, I have decided to somewhat revise this original intent to give me some sense of focus when I write on this blog.

My ultimate desire is that I can be a blessing to those that do read this blog and offer my experience to those who are interested or who need to hear a word of encouragement. I am far from a Bible scholar, however, my desire is to offer a different viewpoint and provide an word of encouragement through what God is working on in me. So here is the new, revised reason that this blog exists:
"To be a blessing and encouragement to the world while providing an opportunity for those around me to continue to join me in my journey as a Christ-follower. This blog will take on the character of its author, applying as much biblical insight as possible."

As I begin to become more laser-focused, I have some regular occurrences that you will begin to see on the blog. Some of those are:
-Friendship Fridays will RETURN!
-Parental Guidance: Insights into the World of Teenagers from one not too far from Teenagers
-Wednesday Night Highlights: Things to look forward to for WNY. These might come on Wednesday or possibly earlier in the week, if there is something that I am SO JACKED for that you need to know ahead of time.
-Insights in Communication: Trends and things that I am seeing in Communication. Not just in Teens but also in Communication in general. Nothing too research based, but some things to think about nonetheless.

I hope that this can become more organized and become a better format for those who take a look ever once in while.

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