April 26, 2010

It's been a pretty good time since I have written lately...

With Derry being gone and so many other things seeming to take place, my nights have really been a time of recovery through the medium of the television. Not exactly the healthiest thing in the world, but that's changing.

Anyways, lately, this is where I have been living...

I'm finding myself coming back to a place of desperation.
I am hard-pressed to find enough praise in this world to be worth anything in my spiritual bank account.
I have discovered that there is nothing that compares to being at a place of utter brokenness and peace in the arms of my Father.

I can't find the source of this newly discovered understanding of scarcity, however, I remain confident of one thing, The One thing, The Only Thing.

I am dedicate myself to a steadfast, continuous and unwavering journey towards the Cross.
I apply myself to a tenacious undertaking that will require only the whole of my life and my being...

I think this describes where I find myself lately...

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