March 29, 2010

If I could hold the weekend off, I would. One Perspective from someone who may need perspective.

I've been noticing something that is like an epidemic plaguing a great majority of students both in college and high school. It's a terrible thing to catch and is dastardly contagious. Some have built immunity towards it and can fight it quite well. Others get it and succumb to its effects quite quickly. Traditionally called "senioritis," this terrible attitude is beginning to run rampant amidst underclassmen as well. The side effects are tragic and can sometimes lead to most unfortunate endings and the symptoms can set in right before or immediately after a highly anticipated week in the life of a student typically dubbed, Spring Break.

In the midst of a conversation with one former HS senior, I asked if she was dealing with senioritis to which she responded, "Senioritis is a choice. You can choose to accept it or you can choose to not accept it." A wise individual indeed. Unfortunately, she was in the minority of those who chose not to "give in" to the plague of this terrible form of apathy.

In the reality of this situation, there are more and more people, not just students, that are beginning to feel this apathy. Increasingly, facebook statuses, twitter posts and overall attitudes are becoming depressive and "looking toward the weekend" in all age groups.

After a meeting-filled and stressful morning, Monday afternoon rolls around and "I'm ready for the weekend." I recognize the figure of speech and that it "doesn't change how I will work the rest of the week." But does it? I would venture a guess that it does. I would venture a guess that the next 4 days of loathing the place of business or learning that you have found yourself in becomes one of your most hated locales to visit and you still have to spend countless numbers of hours there. You are required to interact with the people there, co-workers and customers alike; teachers and fellow classmates. How can you truly take advantage of the place that God has you if you are completely and utterly at a point of disdain for that situation?

Jeremiah 29:11 is such a well known verse and many have spoken those words and have said that they believe them. They claim to have found those words to be true. They place their faith in the One who wrote those words and gave them life. And yet, a few simple characters tells of something completely different. See after those words, is a very simple line of truth that many do not quote. After the famous words telling of His plan for our lives, is the "secret" remedy to finding that plan.

Maybe this is flawed thinking, but in every tweet, status update and encounter of disdain for the current week, I sense a need to discover something to look forward to in the next day. I sense a need to understand why the next four days are so important to the existence of the world. Why? Why do I need to continue to pursue the events that are already laid before me in the next four days? Why do I need to do this assignment that seems so trivial and so dumb? Why do I need to continue to press on through the rest of the week's quotes and lesson plans?

I wonder what would happen if, in every day, our complete and total purpose was to find God in that day. I wonder what the world would look like if Christians truly sought after God, with all of their heart, every single day. "'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.'" What if we lived in a way that displays the desire to truly find Him every single day. Even when things suck. Even when you have so much homework you just want to quit and eat ice cream. Even when you have more meetings this side of Wednesday that you aren't quite sure that Friday will ever come.

How would that change our mindset for each day? How would our desire for each day change? On those days that it seems like the homework will never end, your boss will never stop talking, the customer will never stop nagging, instead of desiring the weekend, desire Him.

This can be fluffy and impossible to attain and may simply be too philosophical to be achieved in reality. OR, we can stop making excuses for why we aren't truly living out lives that believe in Jesus and begin to seek Him in everything, with everything. I'm just saying. In a Christian way.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:33-34

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