April 23, 2009

Responses to DB - A Blog Series - Taking the Sabbath (Resting the Soul)

Wow. What a topic for Youth Workers! I think that every time that I hear this type of sermon or message, I am hit right between the eyes; Every Time. And most times it hurts. How do I take time for myself when I need to be involved with all of my students' lives and have a relationship with my girlfriend/wife and have a group of people that build into my life and family time and time to build a family and the list seems to never end!

If you haven't found this to be difficult in your life, you may want to check your pulse! I have been in the Intern capacity for only a year and have found it difficult to have just one day of rest in my week. With all the things that I am involved in, I find little time for myself. Usually, I will be forced to find this Sabbath in the form of sleeping in too long for a class or missing a meeting or two. It is in these involuntary times of rest that I realize that I need more time for myself in my regular schedule than I realize or give credit for. And it is simply because I don't prioritize this rest.

In order to effectively enjoy a certain day off and giving myself the opportunity to be recharged by the Spirit, I must prioritize this day as a day that I do nothing but let the Holy Spirit fill my cup. I have no idea what this looks like, but I do know that I need to counsel the Spirit more than I do now and give Him the opportunity to instruct me in the ways of how He wants me to involve Him in my life. So much of this is found in the spiritual disciplines and the value that I place on that aspect of my life. It is so important to accomplish building those into my life in order to hear His voice on those days that I give completely to Him.

You can't pour out if you aren't allowing Him to pour into you!

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