September 25, 2008

Fresh Outlook

I have recently gone through one of the most stressful beginnings to a year that I have ever experienced. And I have come to this conclusion: It was my lack of faith in the one who empowers me that created the hurricane. I have been living a life that was completely dependent on what I was able to accomplish. I haven't truly put faith in everything that I do. I didn't completely surrender things that He can take care of. Tonight, sure, there was a lot of things to do, but there wasn't the stress and I felt like I could connect with students. The reason: I have been able to get up and meet with my Father the past two mornings and am very intent on doing it for many days from here to that. Pray that I keep that up!

Tonight, I was given the recognition that there are some people that make things happen. Examples: All of the workers that make Table Talk happen week in and week out; the people who volunteer in the sound booths every Sunday and Wednesday; each and every small group leader across America make every single student ministry, go.

So tonight, I just want to thank all of the people who make things go. You are awesome! If you didn't take the time out of your busy schedule to do it, then we would have a disaster. So thanks!

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