July 30, 2008

Buying in...

Last night I led a Bible Study that was asking the question: "What is a surrendered life?" In that Bible Study, I asked the question: "Why do we live a surrendered life?" I am not so sure that we got to this point, but this is where I wanted to go with the question:

To live a surrendered life, is to fulfill the call of Christ on every single one of our lives. Look at the way that Jesus asked his disciples to count the cost of following him. Check out the hard line that he used to creatively entice his followers to come after him. Matthew 8:18-22 and Luke 9:51-62 depict the way that Jesus requires us to follow Him.

"Let the dead bury their dead. It is your duty to go and preach about the Kingdom of God."

"No one that puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."

I see a couple things that are critical in this process of living a surrendered life that is critical to all of us.

"Let the dead bury their dead. It is your duty to go and preach about the Kingdom of God."
"No one that puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."

1. We are all called to be evangelists in some way. This is not a choice in this sense. We are all called to something in the Kingdom. Sure, we may not all be called to be pastors, teachers, or missionaries across the world. But one thing is iron clad for certain, we are all called to be at work for the Lord. We are called to serve him with everything that we are. It is the only way to truly live as a follower of Christ. Do you see that? This is so critical to this process!! (I am getting chills because of how powerful this is!) You are not fit for the Kingdom of God if you are not fulfilling the call to Love God and Love Others and to spread the Word of God to those who don't know in whatever mission field you choose. Maybe your mission field is Concord High School, or the Local Elks Club, or the valley of Arizona, or Plant #32 at Keystone RV, or maybe it is Faith United Methodist Church. God is calling you to live surrendered to HIS WILL and to fulfill your call to be fit for the Kingdom of God!

So what are you doing?

"Let the dead bury their dead. It is your duty to go and preach about the Kingdom of God."
"Anyone that puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."

2. We are called to sacrifice for His cause! This isn't a request! This isn't some sort of kind appeal that Christ is trying to appeal to you in order to benefit both of you! The fact is that there are going to be some times that aren't going to be easy! There are going to be times when your very own husband or wife will ask questions! The surrendered life is not an earthly idea! Galatians 5:17 tells us that the "sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want." This concept of surrendering when the Spirit calls your name is not going to be something that is easy or even feel natural! But it is the only way to live the life that Jesus Christ himself lived while he was here on this earth.

Galatians 2:20 gives us a great promise that if we have died with Christ, if we have given everything up the way that he gave his life up, that we may live in Him. Do you see what is being offered!? This idea of a sold out, surrendered life is the only way that Christ desires for us to live! And in return He offers ETERNAL LIFE!

So what are you doing?

I say all of that to make this statement, publicly and as profoundly as my 22-year old mind can profess, I AM IN! I want to make it known today, that I am officially not going to worry about the things that my flesh desires me to worry about. I am never going to say that I am not going to live in a manner that is fearful of tomorrow, today, because tomorrow will take care of itself. I am going to be passionately seeking His Will for my life and my call. I refuse to be denied from his goodness and his kindness. I refuse to divert from the call that He has on my life. This is the day that marks the rest of them. I desire only to fulfill that call. Whatever God's plan for my life is what I desire to fulfill. Amen.

So what are you doing?

Just because I am in, doesn't mean that I expect you to be in, but I am asking what you are doing? Have you realized the full call that God has on your life? Do you know what it takes? Have you COUNTED THE COST? Are you ready for a crazy, fulfilled life? Are you willing to make the sacrifice of whatever He desires to fulfill your ministry? HE IS CALLING YOUR NAME INTO HIS MISSION FIELD! HE WANTS YOU!

Are you ready?

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