October 7, 2011

No More Apologies

Recently, we took a trip to a church that is quickly becoming a strategic partner of ours as we look to improve ministry and set people up to best serve the people that they are passionate about. While the trip was a fantastic opportunity to research and ask some questions about some things we are looking at in our own ministry, I took something away from the trip that God has amplified and I cannot ignore it. I talked about it on Wednesday and I need to write it somewhere and so I figured what better place than right here.
I'm done apologizing.

I don't think that I have always said it and I don't think that it has always been a problem, but I have been known to make a bunch of excuses.
"It's not my fault." 
"Someone else was supposed to be doing that." 
"Something came up."
"It's done (when it isn't)."
"I have it under control (when I don't)."

Well enough is clearly enough.

No more apologies. Geoff Cocanower is saved by an overpowering and ever-empowering grace that surpasses all understanding. I am made perfect in my confessed incompleteness. I am strengthened by the Almighty God when I am humble enough to recognize my shortcoming. And I am called by God who promises that when He calls, He will do it. I am called by Jesus who told me to wait for the Holy Spirit and the same Power that can move mountains will be the one that gives me life.

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