July 17, 2010

An Exciting Year is ahead...

I have been working on many things for the future today. Lots of emails about the upcoming year, reflecting on the year that has been, and dreaming about the future of our ministry, students, and my life. This year poses some really exciting challenges. I know that this seems like a very oxymoron-ic statement, but that's really what I see. It gets me excited and at the same time there is something inside of me that says... get ready.

Get ready... cause I AM has a plan.
Get ready... cause I AM wants to rock some people's worlds.
Get ready... cause I AM wants to move in my life.
Get ready... cause I AM wants to show that HE IS faithful.

There are so many things that get me excited about this year. One of those things is how Different I've noticed students and the stories I hear coming from PARENTS of students. As we get ready, I'm thinking about ways that we, as a ministry, are getting ready to be Different. There's much more to that, that of course I can't tell you, but this post brings to light some of the things that we are going to have to learn to be Different in. It's just one of the things that we are going to be able to do that will allow us to be Different.

It's going to be more than just a Different Summer Camp.

It's going to be a Different Year.

Let's Do This!


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