March 8, 2010

My notes from Fanning the Flame Sunday Night. Where do we see ourselves in the journey from Shalom to Shalom?

Man, after last night, I have a bunch to chew on. Karl really brought it and I filled a couple of pages in my Moleskine. I have heard of some of this stuff before through some of my experiences in classes at Bethel and here at NMC, but some of this stuff was pretty raw for me. Here are some of my notes from my own experience last night:

Karl Black: Fanning the Flame
Salvation: The Full Story

The Beginning of the Story is Genesis 3 -> God said, "This is Good" = Shalom -> Peace -> Fullness -> Harmony

Creation -> Shalom
Fall -> Disconnect from God
Redemption -> Hebrews have a different understanding -> Ultimately it's the Cross
Restoration -> Return us to His Place -> This is the ongoing story that is the part that doesn't always get retold

Salvation is the process of Shalom back to Shalom. 

Isaiah 52: Salvation = "Your God Reigns"

Four Conditions of Salvation in the New Testament:
1. You BELIEVE and TRUST Jesus as Lord
------ Romans 10:9-10
2. ACKNOWLEDGE Jesus Publicly
------ Romans 10:9-10; Luke 12:8
3. REPENT- Turn from sin to God
------ Mark 1:15; Acts 2:38
4. Be BAPTIZED for the forgiveness of sins
------ Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16

Baptism and what it meant:
A. Forgiveness of Sins - (Mark 1:4)
B. Receiving the Spirit - (Matthew 3:11)
C. Jesus' Specific calling - (Luke 12:50)
D. Change in allegiance to Christ - (Acts 19:5)

The term "Rescue" had a different mentality for the Hebrews that included much more than what we see it as and we can easily miss the total meaning of "Saved" if we focus on a single part.

Three Meta-Narratives that make up Salvation:
1. Priestly Sacrifice - A Static Moment in Time (John 3:14-15)
------ ATONEMENT for Sin ------ Access to God
The Hebrews saw this in the sacrifices made in the Temple. We see this in Jesus.
---------The Cross Happened, therefore We are Saved Enough---------

2. The EXODUS Narrative - A Journey through Time 
------- from SLAVERY to FREEDOM------
God moved His people from Egypt to the Promised Land. Then when they cry out, he says, "Remember the Exodus?"

3. The EXILE Narrative - Movement in our lives.
------- MARGINALIZED to RESTORED -------
Examples: Prodigal Son & Zaccheus

Philippians 2:12-13
We don't need to be re-saved or saved-er, we just need to re-access that freedom and true full salvation.

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