So, I'm trying to get back into this blogging thing and since I have decided not to take my computer to my house any longer, this has become something of an interesting venture. But I want to make this about my life as well as my profession because I feel that I cannot be separate from each other on this topic. I must always be my professional self and my personal self. Perhaps this is because I desire to be just one person and not two completely different people in the different settings. Or maybe it is just because in my mind, I can't separate the two.
Regardless of these facts, I have decided today that with the recent engagement of a great friend and a fellow champion of students in life, I wanted to comment on two couples that I am really excited for and that have played a very important role in helping me understand a healthy relationship in our day and age. Both of these couples have different looking relationships, however, each is Christ-centered and dedicated to pleasing the Lord more than pleasing each other. And that is really cool.

This is Kory and Alison. Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Kory Lantz. I am so excited for these two. They have been a true testament to what a selfless relationship that is dedicated to serving the Lord in everything that they do. I have watched these two over the past two and a half years be pushed to a extremely deep level of commitment to each other and to ministry in the midst of that relationship. They serve Christ together and have their relationship rooted in that service.
They will be setting out in the Sonnyvilla ministry in the Keller Park neighborhood of South Bend with
Pastor Ryan Yazel and Keller Park Missionary Church. If you get a moment, say a desperate prayer for these two to remain in the center of God's will for their lives; even when it gets dangerous!

This is
Michael and Lindsay and their new puppy, Chai. What a cool name. They are the most recent addition to the engaged and soon-to-be-married crowd. While Lindsay is finishing up her Senior year at Bethel, Michael has accepted the position of Director of Young Life at South Adams High School. This is a big step of faith as he is required to raise half of his salary in support. This guy has such a heart for kids it is crazy. These two have been critical in teaching me patience and persistence in a ministry setting. They are just straight up awesome and so real.
Pray that God would show them His face in the midst of ministry and long-distance relationships. God is going to use these two to change a large number of kids' lives. I am really excited for them! You can even support Michael financially if you would like! Comment on this post and I'll get you the information!
There are a bunch of people that have individually, as well as through their relationship with me and their significant other, reflected Christ in my life. However, these two are near to my heart and I just wanted to honor them in some way and tell the world how awesome they are.
I beg you to pray for them and hope that you would join me in being prayer warriors for their ministries and their lives as they set out on this journey of marriage.
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