October 13, 2009

Week 5 Pick'em and Some Early Morning Reflection

Well, my picks this week didn't fare too well this past week, but then again, nobody really did that well. So I guess I will chalk that one up to missed opportunity. I just wish I could have had Mr. Opportunity on my computer screen to let me know that he was knocking. Unfortunately, I wasn't buying a Honda and so that just didn't work out.

In other news, it started out a hectic week and it will remain that way until probably Thursday Afternoon. This week is our Hayride Outreach event that we host to allow students the opportunity to reach out to their lost or spiritually struggling friends and have them presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the form of creative drama that is out on by students. It's going to be so much fun, and I can't wait for Wednesday Night when we are going to put the thing on, but for now there is a lot of prep that goes into the next 36 or so hours to get the barn ready and make sure that everything is in its place. So because of that many things are on pause for me. I have a lot to write about from my experience at Kory and Alison's wedding that I need to do that before I lose my train of thought. I definitely need to restart the search for the next personal computer, and I need to update some things on our website.

I guess this is the life of the young youth pastor that I am taking on right now. The thing that is crazy insane in the membrane to me is that I am loving every second of this. Yeah, there have been some snags, but u am loving this adrenaline rush and excitement. I just hope this fire for the little things doesn't go away and we can see my excitement brew for a long while.

So my hope is that you can remember me in your prayers, remember our team in your prayers, remember our students who are asking their friends to come, and remember those that are coming to the Hayride. May God be glorified through our obedience in this week!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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