October 16, 2009

Week 6 Pick'em

Last week was the first week without double-digit picks. So, I decided to pick some that others very well may not have picked. Pretty crazy, I know... but it's time to kick it into gear.

Detroit- You are probably thinking the same thing that I thought, "Why?" But as a wise friend tweeted today, "You might ask 'Why?' to which is ask, 'Why Not?'" Crazy pick I know, but if there was a week to win, this is the week.
New Orleans- Boiler Up! Drew Brees>Eli Manning + Terrell Owens. Plus Drew doesn't cry.
Tampa Bay- I have gone out on a limb here, but I think that they will get Carolina. That is unless Jack Del Rio wears the Reebok Suit.
Washington- Third times a charm!
New England
NY Jets
Chicago- My affinity for the Bears might get me this week. It's gonna be a tough road, but they are gonna show why they should be "wear[ing] the crown!"
San Diego

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