December 2, 2010

60 Days of Beauty Project: Day 1

It's official. I'm in and I am pumped. My boss/mentor/friend/cool guy to hang around, Derry started this because God spoke to him in a convo with his daughter. I'm thankful that Derry is the way he is because he catches things like that and has a daughter that can speak inspiration into his life even at age 3.

I'm so pumped because this gives me a requirement to seek the beauty that God's injects into my life but my eyes are to dull to see it each day. So, I'm pumped.

To me the beautiful thing that I saw today (yesterday by the time this posts) was the snow. I absolutely love snow. I don't care how much I complain about the cold, snow is amazing. It is such a beautiful portrayal of how God is in our lives so vast and broad and yet so specific to each of our lives. It amazes me how tranquil snow can actually be and it's purity admidst this earth.

60 days. Here we go.


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