April 16, 2010

Friday Five

Here are some of the things rattling around in my head that are of importance or relevance at all:
1. IMPACT:Haiti Retreat begins tonight at 6:00pm.
This group is gearing up to IMPACT their world. In Haiti but also right in their own backyard. I cannot even wait to get to spend an entire weekend together. Bonding together, sharing testimonies, listening to God's voice, being challenged in crazy ways and discovering more dynamics in our team than ever thought possible. In other words, Awesomeness.

2. ChicaGO begins their training this weekend.
I'm pumped for this team. It's the largest team we have ever had go on a GO trip and I am totally stoked for the people that are going on the trip. It's going to be a great experience for them and their leaders.

3. Derry returns from Kenya/Rwanda/Congo trip.
Be praying for his experiences, but also for his travel. With the volcano spilling into the air and scientists not having a clue as to when its coming down. Couldn't hurt!

4. Pray for the Kerwoods.
Ryan was a guy a couple of years behind me in High School that left the physical world earlier this week. Pray for his family and friends that they would know Christ's Peace.

5. IMPACT:Kenya team members still debriefing from the trip.
This is a group that is just know meeting up with the dreaded DAY FIVE AND they are still processing through their experiences. Pray for their hearts as they continue to discover all that God is showing them.



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